update unifdef causing partial header generation and

Vineet Gupta Vineet.Gupta1 at synopsys.com
Mon Dec 23 13:44:21 UTC 2013

I've been testing the master with ARC support and it seems commit 2a021ae81c36
"buildsys: update unifdef" sometimes generates a partial uClibc_config.h and other
false warnings for headers as below.

  INSTALL include ->
unifdef: include/bits/kernel_sigaction.h: 24: Inappropriate #endif
unifdef: output may be truncated
unifdef: include/bits/uClibc_config.h: 3: Inappropriate #endif
unifdef: output may be truncated
unifdef: include/sys/termios.h: 4: Inappropriate #endif
unifdef: output may be truncated
unifdef: include/net/ppp_defs.h: 10: Inappropriate #endif


Reverting it out sees to make things work. Anyone else seeing similar issues.


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