[PATCH v2 28/46] statfs: Use statfs64 if arch does not have the statfs syscall

Markos Chandras markos.chandras at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 14:06:15 UTC 2012

> hi Markos,
> I have a version of no-legacy-syscalls with no translation
> layer whatsoever for stat/statfs friends. It runs fine fro basic busybox
> - I still need to test the LFS!=64 permutations (for both busybox and
> uClibc- but that won't be too difficult)
> My changes are additional - on top of your patches. Has your github
> branch already changed following the review comments - if so can I
> simple update it - if not I'll post the patches based on your v2 series
> posted.
> This will allow any future architecture to use the translation-less
> stat/statfs w/o writing a single line of code.
> -Vineet

Hi Vineet,

It has changed a bit yes. I plan on fixing a couple more things for
today. I will e-mail you once I am done
with it so you can rebase your work on top of it.


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