about .data.rel.ro

Wang Jiong wong.kwongyuan at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 14:51:50 UTC 2011

Dear all:

Currently I am upgrading a gcc target from 4.0.3 to 4.3.5
After test, I have found that gcc 4.3.5 will employee the .data.rel.ro
section and this has caused trouble when work with uclibc 0.9.31
4.3.5 will generate code like

.type __FUNCTION__.4211, @object
.size __FUNCTION__.4211, 21
.string "_dl_get_ready_to_run"
.align 2

.section .data.rel.ro
.align 2
.word __FUNCTION__.4211
.align 2

t.lw $6,%got_page(.LC108)($28)
s.addiu $2,$6,%got_ofst(.LC108)
t.lw $6,0($2) // $6 now contains the value of ".word __FUNCTION__.4211"
and we wish it will point to the string "_dl_get_ready_to_run", but only
after it's also updated by ldso to the relocated value, otherwise it
will be wrong

the address of .LC108 and __FUNCTION__.4211 alone will be relocated by
ldso correctly while LC108's contents will not

My problem is related with .data.rel.ro? and have uclibc 0.9.31
supportted .data.rel.ro yet?

Thanks in advance


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