Updating the uclibc directory on kernel.org.

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Sat Oct 18 03:49:17 UTC 2008

I note that:


Was last updated in 2005, and only goes up to the 0.9.28 kernel.  The 
directrory belongs to Erik, so even though I have an account on 
master.kernel.org, I don't have filesystem permissions to write to it.

Bernhard: do you have an account on kernel.org?  If so, it would best to make 
sure _you_ have the ability to write to that directory, not me.  (It only 
needs to be synced when there's a release.  It doesn't need the "snapshots" 
directory.  Also, any cleanup we decide to do to downloads to remove the 
obsolete toolchain and root filesystem images should probably happen before 
we worry about syncing kernel.org.)


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