connect() fails?

Luciano Rocha strange at
Mon Oct 22 13:46:35 UTC 2007

On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 12:21:20PM +0000, Daniel Ng wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using uClibc 0.9.28 in a buildroot environment.
> I'm having trouble connecting to a TCP socket. connect() returns -1 with errno 
> set to '1' which from looking at the errno include files translates 
> to 'EPERM'. 
> According to the man page for connect(), this means I was trying to either 
> connect to a broadcast address, or connect() was being blocked by a local 
> firewall rule. I know I'm not using a broadcast address (it's, and 
> I have no firewalls on my embedded platform. I can connect to the telnet 
> server using the standard linux telnet client. Changing the FD flags makes no 
> difference.
> Any suggestions would be most helpful, short of upgrading uClibc.
>   if ( (error = getaddrinfo(hostname, service, &hints, &res)) != 0 ) 

You're searching for hostname and service in the same call to
getaddrinfo. Last time I tried that, the service was ignored, and I
switched to using two calls, one for the host and another for the

See if the output has all the values correct (sin_addr.s_addr and

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