performance issue

Eric ralawa at
Fri Feb 24 15:14:52 UTC 2006


I am currently using uclibc which runs on a Via EPIA ME6000 motherboard
which has a 600 MHz CPU. I wrote a program which encodes the line-in
soundcard with libmp3lame. With uclibc my program consumes 99% of the
CPU and with the glibc it consumes only 85% of the same CPU! The program
and liblame have been compiled with the same options on the two host
systems! With uclibc I use the cross-compiling gcc 3.4.5 builded with
buildroot and with glibc I use the gcc 3.4.5 from an ubuntu distro.

Can you tell me if it is a normal behavior to have less performance with
ulibc? Do you have some idea to increase the performances of my program?


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