directfb-csource compilation pb with uclibc

Dely Nicolas Nicolas.Dely at
Fri Oct 7 15:34:52 UTC 2005

>Hi all,
>I would like to install dfbsee on my embedded x86 platform with
>buildroot. I've added dfbsee directory in package,,
> ...
>To configure cleanly dfbsee I need directfb-csource, 
>* when I compile directfb-csource with glibc/gcc ./directfb-csource
>* but when it is compiled with uclibc/gcc ./directfb-csource says
>"bash: ./directfb-csource: No such file or directory"

Shame on me, I try to execute binary linked with uclibc on host (without

How can I do to configure dfbsee with buildroot, knowing that dfbsee configuration required 
to run a software (directfb-csource) linked with uclibc ?

This question is also for any softwares requiring execution (on HOST) of an uclibc linked 
software (TARGET software)


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