[uClibc] uClibc++ 0.1.9 is out!

Garrett Kajmowicz gkajmowi at tbaytel.net
Sat Jan 22 00:53:16 UTC 2005

A long time comming (at least it feels like it).

Get it from:

Remember that the co-lo server may be a few minutes behind.

From the ChangeLog:
Peter S. Mazinger:      wchar cleanups across the board
-       Make sure that operator= changes the number of elements in the vector.
-       Fix to string::pop_back function scope
-       reverse_iterator copying fixed
-       Have max string length test aginst proper variable (oops)
-       Change sstream to use append instead of push_back all of the time
-       Make string::append start reading at the correct location
-       Convert sstream to allow seeking on write stream without truncation
-       Convert sstream xsputn to use either append or replace
-       Elliminate duplicate size_t definition - now use C library version
-       Make sure string assign(size_type n, Ch c) clears the string before 
-       Fix string insert functions to move the correct amount of data
-       Reimplemented cstring, cassert, cerrno, cstdlib

Please let me know what you would like me to work on next.  I'm planning on 
doing some work with wchar stuff, by popular demand.  Other stuff is always 

- Garrett

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