[uClibc]insmod on mipsel target gives unresolved symbol __gxx_personality_v0

David Wuertele dave-gnus at bfnet.com
Thu Mar 6 18:22:04 UTC 2003

Buildroot is working great!  I'm now porting some of my software to
the make/*.mk system.  I'm admiring the simplicity of the setup.

Right now I'm working on a module that works fine when I use the
Algorithmics toolchain for mipsel, but when I use the uclibc toolchain
insmod on the target gives unresolved symbols:

# modprobe atyx220.o
Using /lib/modules/2.4.18_dev-xilleon_x220/misc/atyx220.o
insmod: unresolved symbol __fixdfsi
insmod: unresolved symbol __subsf3
insmod: unresolved symbol __eqsf2
insmod: unresolved symbol __floatsidf
insmod: unresolved symbol __truncdfsf2
insmod: unresolved symbol __gxx_personality_v0
insmod: unresolved symbol __fixunssfsi
insmod: unresolved symbol __divdf3
insmod: unresolved symbol __addsf3
insmod: unresolved symbol __fixunsdfsi
insmod: unresolved symbol __extendsfdf2
insmod: unresolved symbol __floatsisf
insmod: unresolved symbol __fixsfsi
insmod: unresolved symbol __nedf2
insmod: unresolved symbol __divsf3
insmod: unresolved symbol __muldf3
insmod: unresolved symbol __eqdf2
insmod: unresolved symbol __subdf3
insmod: unresolved symbol __ltdf2
insmod: unresolved symbol __adddf3
insmod: unresolved symbol __gtdf2
insmod: unresolved symbol __ledf2
insmod: unresolved symbol __gedf2
insmod: unresolved symbol __mulsf3

I went searching for some of these symbols, and they seem to exist
only in the uclibc toolchain.  Are these supposed to be compiled into
my module?  Am I supposed to link my module dynamically with
something?  Please send clues.


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