[uClibc](Newbie?) Make error, or am I missing something?

john riehl jr at i-bucks.com
Mon Jun 3 06:22:40 UTC 2002

At 12:17 AM 6/2/02 +0200, Cor Lem wrote:
>I've been building LFS systems for some time now. Following the same 
>approach I'm trying to build a minimal Linux-system capable to boot, log to 
>a logserver, do portforwarding, act as a gateway + firewall and do a 
>'adsl-login'. Hopefully fitting on 2 diskettes max.


>5) Tried to build uClibc, make failed with:
>stdio.h: No such file or directory
>stdlib.h: No such file or directory
>string.h: No such file or directory
>unistd.h: No such file or directory

I inquired about a possibly similar problem, with no response.  Instead of
using an lfs, I was using a standard install.   I tried to install uclibc
in a different library by changing DEVEL_PREFIX, when I ran into the
problem of uclibc being unalbe to find common headers.  There is a note in
the uclibc file (either config or makefile, where the devel_prefix is set),
that the devel_prefix is pointing to an area that includes gcc etc.  You
might try setting devel_prefix to point to your gcc.


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