[uClibc]symbolic-link trashage redux

Erik Andersen andersen at codepoet.org
Fri Jul 26 05:13:41 UTC 2002

On Fri Jul 26, 2002 at 01:39:33PM +0900, Miles Bader wrote:
> This addition to the top-level Makefile:
>    distclean clean:
>            ...
>            @if [ $(TARGET_ARCH) = "mipsel" ]; then \
>                find . -type l -exec rm -f {} \; ; \
>            ...
>    revision 1.168
>    date: 2002/07/25 21:16:43;  author: sjhill;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -0
>    Addition to 'distclean' for little endian MIPS.
> doesn't affect me personally, since I don't use mipsel, so I'm not going
> to bitch and moan as much as I normally would.
> But it's a bad idea in general to do this sort of thing, because it
> fucks over symlink trees; if you want to remove some build-time
> symlinks, do it more precisely.

Yup.  I just noticed this one as well (while fixing mips
syscalls.h) when I did a 'make clean' and my Config (a symlink 
to extra/Configs/Config.mipsel) disappeared.  Grrr..

I fully agree here.  In fact, looking closer at what this is
doing, I don't see that find command actually doing anything 
of value.  For mipsel, there are 3 symlinks created and those 
3 symlinks were explicitly removed by name prior to the find 
command...  I've killed the 'find -type l'.  Again.


Erik B. Andersen             http://codepoet-consulting.com/
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