I am switching to using Aboriginal Linux's toolchain for testing

Denys Vlasenko vda.linux at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 8 03:01:47 UTC 2010

Hi guys,

I was using a home-built uclibc toolchain for busybox test builds,
but recent support for date's %N format turned out a small problem
with my uclibc headers.

Thus, it's time to upgrade my toolchain.

Since building of a toolchain continues to be a non-trivial task,
I decided to stop doing it myself (poorly), and start using
Rob's Aboriginal Linux:


since he invested a lot of his time to make it work correctly.
Also, I will be able to build non-x86 busybox at least
for build testing (which up to now I wasn't usually doing).

I an building Aboriginal Linux from source, of course.
See README in its tarball if you want to do the same.

I built i686 and x86_64 toolchains and discovered than both
resulting native and cross-toolchains are relocatable
and most toolchain binaries are statically linked (except ldd),
thus I can copy them form directory to directory and from system
to system and it still works.


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